EPP Management System

Your Call-For-Help Platform

EPP or Emergency Preparedness Plan is a tool to aid or help the users to score each emergency vulnerability, assess, plan for each equivalent response for the organization in case a calamity happens.

achieved in one membership

Emergency Buttons

A one-click emergency button that gives you the option to contact your local emergency department or nearby volunteers.

HIPAA Compliant Messaging Channel

Utilize the messaging features in relaying necessary information that is crucial during emergency situations.

Call-For-Help Buttons On Essential Products and Services

Gives you access to essential services and products.

EPP Risk Assessment

Risk assessments are done by utilizing a Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Tool that is designed with the ability to be customized based on your organization's hazard vulnerabilities - potential hazards or weather-related events that may occur in your region based on research of prior weather events for the past 10 years.